Grannie Pat

Friday, November 24, 2006

Good day to quilt

It is Friday , Mac went to camp to cook breakfast. He is back home now and will be leaving to go to Craven to barbeque 600 HB for a basketball tornament. This is volinteer work for him. He pulled out his snow pants as it is cold today and the barbeque is outside . First thing he did when arriving home was to make a batch of ginger snaps mmmmm smells good.
I slept in this morning as I could not sleep last night even with a sleeping pill. so I read quilting books. I am trying to plan my next quilt, it will be a crazy quilt. There is even patterns for crazy quilts. I have decided to do my old fashion thing and ad lib it and use no pattern and just lay material down on a base and go for it. Every sq. will be different. I will try and start the centre piece with the same colour and design. therefore it will have some kind ot continuity. I also want to embrodery the seams on each patch. This quilt will be for a camping quilt for us. hoping to complete it by the time we leave forFlorida. So I better get down to the sewing room and continue to sew on it. I have pressed out most of my material scraps. I am also working on a Christmas quilt. Got the first square done. It may be ready by next Christmas.
I really have got into quilt making. My twin sister will be picking out material in Florida and working on quilts. Peggy will show me some of the things she is learning to do in a quilting class and I will show her how to put a quilt together via spray gluing it, getting it ready to machine quilt it . The guild I am in, tell me it stays more solid and does not move by gluing it , better then pinning it. I learn new things every day. Peggy pays someone $150.00 to quilt her quilts.
So she wants to learn how to do it her self.
I better get out of my PJ's and get to work. I just wishI could have a house keeper to clean my house while I quilt.


  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger wandi said…

    Isn't it a good feeling to make something. I feel like that when we have done some canning. It is so good to see t he jars lined up in a row. I think that would be the same for quilts or any other craft made by hand. You have a talent mom. I have been privelaged aver the years to enjoy the quilts you have made for us. Remember the beautiful parkas you made Tiff and Jordan. I loved them, so did the kids when they were little. They were sure warm.

  • At 7:06 AM, Blogger ASP said…

    I come to you, smile for real
    Good night, I stay through to read your blog. I learned a lot about the appearance and layout. Warm regards


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