Grannie Pat

Saturday, November 11, 2006

New Threads

I have given my blog new tire threads, so I am set fo alot of action here at my blog.Mac and I went out in the pouring rain this morning, to do something differetnt. Even though we cannot afford it we went looking at RV trailers to live in permanently. This means we would have to live were it is alot warmer. Also do we really want to sell oir home. What would be cheaper. This would all have to be considered. Do I really want to live in a small RV for the rest of my life. It would be less house work. No washer or dryer, less room for crafts. This all would have to be considered. and prayed about .


  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger wandi said…

    I think you and dad deserve to enjoy life and not work so hard. If that means down sizing and selling the house and garden then it would be a good idea. You would be free to travel when you wanted without having ties of a house and yard to take care of.


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